Repeated mouth ulcers can be a sign of ulcerative colitis? Know its reasons and methods of prevention

Most of us must have had a problem of mouth ulcers at some time or the other.  But if you are having this kind of problem again and again, be careful, such problem can also be a sign of many serious diseases.  In general, there are blisters in the tongue, lips, cheeks or throat, due to which you may have pain and difficulty in eating anything.  But if there is a fever along with the ulcers and these blisters persist for a long time, then you should be alert.  Such problems can also be a sign of serious conditions such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.  Let us know about the cause of mouth sores and methods of prevention.

 How to identify blisters

It is easy to identify mouth ulcers.  Small lesions can be seen in the tongue, lips and cheeks of people who have blisters.  Not only this, these wounds are very painful.  There is also difficulty in speaking and eating due to ulcers.  Sometimes blisters can also cause mouth and throat infections.  If the size of the blisters is continuously increasing and they are not healing for several weeks, then a doctor should be contacted immediately about this.

 Why do blisters occur?

 There is no clear reason for mouth ulcers.  Usually such problems are common due to injury to the mouth, accidental cutting of the cheeks, etc.  Many people may also have blisters due to toothpaste or mouthwash, these products often contain sodium lauryl sulfate which can cause sores in the mouth.  Deficiency of vitamin B12, zinc, folic acid or iron can also cause such problem.

 How to protect

 According to Dr. Arvit Singh, an expert on diseases related to mouth in Delhi, special attention should be paid to eating to avoid the problem of ulcers.  Minimize the intake of spicy food.  People who are having this problem again and again should take nutritional supplements such as folic acid, vitamin B9, vitamin B6 and B12.  If you still do not get relief, then contact the doctor.

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