Increase weight by practicing these asanas regularly, gain will start reaching

Just as obesity causes various problems in the body, in the same way that weight loss is still there are many problems in the body.  Weakness in the body, lack of proper nutrition in the organs, etc. But the solution to all these problems is possible through yoga.  If you practice some asanas daily, your weight may increase.  Let us know which postures can be gained by doing regular exercises.


 Vajrasana is the only posture that is practiced after meals, otherwise no other asana is practiced after meals.  This asana activates the digestive system and works to control metabolism.  People whose weight is very less, if they practice it regularly, then they definitely get benefits.


 Performing Pawanmuktasana to increase weight also gives good results.  Just like Vajrasana, this asana works well on the digestive system, as well as calms hyperactive metabolism.  This asana also assists the body in absorbing nutrients that benefit underweight people.


 Sarvangasana improves the circulation of oxygen and also conducts blood correctly.  So that the nutrients in the body reach all the organs equally, which helps in weight gain.  Remain strong in the body and do not feel weakness again and again, so this asana must be practiced.


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