If the mobile phone is hot, do not forget these 5 things

Today, the advanced technology of smartphones has included large RAM, powerful processor and powerful battery. When the phone is purchased new, it runs very smooth and its use is also fun. But it is often seen that sometime after purchase, the mobile phone starts heating up and the heating problem in the mobile starts to appear. Many people keep telling them what to do for the phone when it starts heating up. But today we are going to tell you that when your phone starts heating, what are the things that should not be done at all. The 5 points mentioned ahead will not only protect your phone and its battery, but will also prove to be helpful for smartphone use.

If the phone is heating then there is some work that should not be done at all

1. Do not put mobile cover

Whether it is Android smartphone or Apple's iPhone, people often put a very attractive mobile cover on it to make their phone look beautiful and stylish. Landscape, mobile covers ranging from superheroes to own photos are quite popular and girls even put cat and rabbit nose-ear covers on their phones. But here let me tell you that whenever your mobile phone is getting hot, remove the cover on it immediately and do not forget to return the cover till it is normal.

2. Do not charge the phone

The heating of the phone is usually revealed only during some small tasks. Often, when the phone is being charged, then the call is made. Like this, when playing games on mobile, the phone becomes hot at that time. Likewise during long video or voice calling, the phone becomes hot after several times. In such a situation, whenever the phone is hot, the phone should not be put on the charge at that time. Of course, the battery of the phone is kept low, but as long as the phone is hot, do not charge it at all. Also Read: Learn 5 Points, How to Fast Charge Android Smartphone

3. Do not keep it inside the pocket

Mobile phones have made people wireless. That is, like landline or computer, there is no need to sit in one place to use the smartphone. The phone stays with the user at all times and the universal place to keep it is the pocket of pants. But here you want to instruct that whenever your phone is getting hot, do not keep it inside the pocket. If possible, keep it in a cool place, it will be better. And dear readers, the cold place here means the wind of the fan. Do not put it in the fridge while showing more sense

4. Do not use phone

Turn off the use of the smartphone if it is heating up. Clause all the apps running in the backgroud. If Bluetooth or WiFi is on, disable it. If a file of some kind is being downloaded, then pause it for some time. Turn off mobile data if it is not necessary. Overall, when your phone is hot, do not use it until the temperature of the phone becomes normal. Also read: Fixing a smartphone's headphone jack is as easy as playing a pinch, just follow these simple steps.

5. Do not use battery

After many times the reason behind the heating of the phone is also its battery. The phone heats up even when the battery is weak. In such a situation, it is better to check the phone's battery, and if there is any flaw, then it should be replaced. Let me tell you here that do not try to remove the phone battery from yourself and for this, take the help of the nearest mobile service.

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