Do not take viral fever lightly, you can get benefit from these methods at home

Cold Fever - Photo : freepik
Most people start complaining of fever and colds as the weather changes. This type of fever is called 'viral fever' or 'seasonal fever'. Even though such fever cures on its own in four to six days, but the effects of weakness and other problems persisting for several days. This type of fever is usually due to viral infection, it is very common for people whose immune system is weak to develop such fever as the weather changes. However this should not be ignored. Let us know about the causes of viral fever and ways to prevent it easily.

Why is there a viral fever?
As the weather changes, many types of viruses start growing rapidly in our environment. People whose immune system is weak, their body is unable to cope with these viruses, so they start having problems like fever and colds. Fever is a kind of protective action, when you come in contact with a virus, your immune system increases the temperature of the body so that the effect of the virus decreases.

How to avoid viral fever
Viral fever resolves on its own in a few days. However, doctors can give you some pain relievers and antibiotics to correct the problems caused by it. Apart from this, you can also get benefit by using some common remedies.
Give maximum comfort to the body in viral fever.
If you have a sore throat or pain, gargling with salt in lukewarm water is very beneficial.
To cure throat pain, adding honey and salt in lukewarm water can also gargle.

What to keep in mind
• To prevent lack of water in the body, consume fluids, keep drinking water after a while.
• If you have a runny nose then taking steam is also beneficial.
• Do not go out of the house when you have fever, because it is a problem caused by infection, so other people are afraid of infection.
• In fever, we often start taking medicines by ourselves, keep in mind that take medicines according to the requirement of the body.
• Do not take any kind of medicines without consulting your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?
Although the viral fever is cured by using the above mentioned measures, but if the body temperature remains constant at 103 degrees F or above, there is a severe headache, the fever is not correct for a week, then in such a situation, the doctor Do contact with Apart from this, if you feel the pain of chest pain, blood in the stool, skin rashes or frequent vomiting, contact a doctor.

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