These home remedies will provide relief from headache, toothache and body pain

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Many times our body and head problem starts due to work stress or other reasons. Due to which people resort to painkillers for relief, but excessive use of painkillers causes harm to our body in many ways. Therefore, it is better to adopt domestic prescriptions rather than using medicines for every pain. Domestic tips give us relief from pain. Their use also does not have any kind of bad effect on our body. Some things are easily available in our house in every season, using which we can get rid of many types of pain. Know the home remedies to relieve headache from body pain ... 

Clove is one such thing that is found in every house in every season. Toothache is a problem that sometimes starts suddenly, in such a situation it is difficult to get medicine. Clove oil is very beneficial in toothache. If there is no clove oil in your house, pressing the clove under the tooth also gives relief in pain. Apart from this, cloves also provide relief in sore throat and throat pain.

Drink black tea by adding ginger to relieve pain due to work stress and fatigue. After that, lie down with your eyes closed for some time, you will get relief from headache and fatigue will also go away. If you do not like black tea, you can also make tea by adding milk. 

If you are very tired after working, due to which you feel pain in your body, then instead of taking pain medicine, drink warm milk with turmeric and go to sleep. This will make you feel refreshed when you wake up after sleeping for a while. All the pain in your body will also go away. 

Due to working in the same place in the office all day in the office, our feet start to ache at night. For the relief of this pain, massage the soles of your feet with oil for a while. This will not only relieve you in pain, it also gives relief from the burning of the soles, as well as the skin of your feet also remains soft. 

Aniseed oil, lavender oil, clove oil, lemon grass oil, all these oils are very effective in relieving pain. If you are feeling very tired due to which there is a feeling of heaviness, cramps in the body, then by massaging the body with any of these oils, our muscles get relief. Due to which, all the pain of the body disappears in a short time. 

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