Do not consume too much of coffee, if you are deprived of child happiness, leave these habits immediately.

 Being a parent is the most beautiful moment in the world.  It is easy for some couples, even after some efforts, they are not able to get the happiness of becoming parents.  According to a data, 15% of the couples worldwide are infertile, that is, they are not able to have a child due to any reason.  There can be many reasons for this, according to experts, fertility is also affected due to many diseases, consumption of drugs, heredity, poor lifestyle habits or excessive exposure to certain chemicals.  Apart from this, some of our habits can also take us away from this happiness.  Let us know about some such habits that can weaken fertility.

High intake of coffee

 Although coffee may be a better way to relieve fatigue from daily work, it is harmful to consume too much.  Be careful if you drink three to four cups of coffee a day, it can affect your fertility.  According to experts, excessive intake of coffee can inhibit sperm production.  The consequences are even more severe for women.  Excessive coffee consumption may also double the risk of miscarriage.


 We are all aware of the side effects of smoking regularly.  This not only damages your lungs, it also increases the risk of other diseases.  Not only this, smoking affects the fertility of both men and women.  Women have a higher risk of infertility due to smoking than men.  Smoking can lead to early menopause in women, while it can reduce the quality of sperm in men.

Home chemicals

 Fertility can also decrease due to exposure to certain types of chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, etc.  According to the data, exposure to these harmful chemicals can reduce your chances of pregnancy by up to 29 percent.  So while grocery shopping, look for items that are free of PCB, thalate and furan, as they are commonly associated with infertility.  They are used more in household cleaning products.


When it comes to stress, we often ignore it as a part of modern life.  But when you and your partner are trying to conceive, the level of stress must be kept in mind.  Stress is one of the leading causes of infertility.  Increased levels of stress hormones can affect the reproductive system of both men and women.

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